
Sunday, August 31, 2008

the start of my journey

My husband D and I started this journey 5 months ago when we were faced with a decision that would change the rest of our this decision came to be may be for another post. In the last few months we have completed mountains of paperwork, attended education seminars, thoroughly cleaned our house for the social worker, read books, experienced intense feelings of frustration with our agencies, prayed, and cried. And although I'm not sure how PC this statement is (but it's how I feel), we have been given the "good housekeeping seal of approval." We are now waiting for our paperwork to be sent to our agency in the US for yet another approval.

My label is now "prospective adoptive parent" and I'm expecting this to be a ride of a lifetime! This expectation carries with it excitement and anticipation, as well as loss and sorrow. My journey is about learning how to hold these two very different parts together and move forward without driving myself crazy!

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