
Monday, November 24, 2008


I have grown to love this adoption blogging world I have become a part of. I have been given the privilege to take a peek in the lives of strangers and learn about many different perspectives and experiences related to adoption, each of which I have been grateful for. (Although eventually you don’t feel quite so much like a stranger!) I love how Heather at Production, Not Reproduction can post about a fairly controversial topic such as revocation periods and then people from different parts of the triad engage with the topic and everyone speaks from their experience and heart without a lot of conflict.

But the blogging world can be a negative place as well. I am distraught at the inconsiderate, ignorant, and fearful nature of people who hide behind the anonymity that blogging can provide. Paula at Heart, Mind, and Seoul has just put a stop to all public blogging due to threatening comments which has caused her to take police action. I have learned SO much from reading Paula’s blog. She is able to speak from the transracial adoptee and adoptive parent perspective and has much wisdom to share. It is incredibly sad that people aren’t allowed to share their own life experiences without the concern of attack. I sincerely hope that Paula is able to resolve the situation and that she will come back to the blogging world.

I know that some people just don't "get" the whole blogging thing. Starting a blog and regularly reading others can keep me at the computer for quite some time! But this is a part of my therapy. It is a way for me to express how I'm feeling and doing and also to learn and grow from others in similar situations as me. I am so blessed to have some friends in my life who have children through adoption or are currently in the process. Connecting regularly with these women is also a part of my journey. But being a part of the adoption blogging world allows me to learn from adoptee's and first mothers which I find invaluable.

So here's to continued posting and reading!


Heather said...

I was nervous about posting on that topic--put it off for several months, actually. I'm so glad I was proved wrong.

Do you know what happened at Paula's? I was behind on my blog reading and hadn't read any of the comments before she had to close down. But the posts didn't seem all that controversial to me.

Anonymous said...

She received some racist comments on her blog and then had moderated them (aka deletion) by the time I checked back.

I suspect that she's getting a lot of nasty, threatening messages via e-mail.

Heather said...

Oh, how terrible. I hope the police are able to bring some resolution to the harassment.

Lavonne said...

Thanks Mei-Ling, last I saw also was that she was going to start moderating comments and then when I checked back she was gone!

Kim said...

Blogging can take up time, but I agree that is also a place to learn from others, realize that you are not alone in how you feel (or what you are going through) and a place to support others. I mostly blog about children's allergies and read related blogs, articles etc as that is a huge consuming part of our life (as 3 of our little ones have allergies)! Intermittently, I blog about the rest of our somewhat uneventful events! Uneventful can be good!! Keep blogging and I'll keep coming back to read!

Anonymous said...

I've had some of my greatest growth through blogging and the community I've grown....but I've also had some of my greatest setbacks. People can be incredibly hurtful - and I too had to go from open comments to moderating them, as things were said that were offensive to both me AND to my daughter.

Which is really where I drew the line.

I hope that blogging remains a positive experience for you. :)