
Thursday, September 10, 2009

the first 24 hours

Well we survived our first night with our son, baby T. He is a snacker so we're up every 1 1/2 - 2 hrs feeding. Plus we only had 2 bottles (I know, that was dumb) so we were washing and sterilizing bottles in the middle of the night! D definitely got more sleep than I did. I love listening to his coos and baby sounds...could listen to that all night long!

Baby T is doing so well right now. He is a fairly content baby except for diaper changes and sounds like the world is ending!

Today we were running all over town meeting with lawyers (T had the biggest poop ever in his office!), getting groceries, signing documents for his passport application, and buying bottles. T did so well in the car and with being out all over the place.

D and I both napped during the late afternoon but we're pretty exhausted. Most people with 3 day old babies aren't rushing here and there but instead hole up for a bit. We're looking forward to the weekend when no one will be asking us to sign this or that and we can enjoy some time as just the 3 of us.

Sorry for the mostly factual post. I'm anticipating that future posts will become more difficult to make! Thanks to everyone for their comments, we love that we have support from our cyber friends!

Oh, I'm needed for a diaper change...we still need to tag team this adventure:)


Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Here from LFCA...

Congratulations! Hopefully every day will be a little easier, and you'll have more and more time to just enjoy your beautiful son.

Heather said...

Oooh, I just want to come squish on him. I'm so happy for you guys! Hope you get some good babymooning nesting time in soon.

Thinking of you and Baby T and the first fam.

luna said...

the first few days and weeks are so hard. you'll get the hang of it soon, and you'll treasure those precious moments napping whenever you can get them.

we didn't even have bottles the first few days. we were trying the SNS and it was HARD. after she lost too much weight, we finally gave up and switched to a bottle, and she was MUCH happier. you do what you can to keep them happy!


Sabrina said...

Ken and I still often tag team the diapers. Some things are just easier, and more enjoyable, when done together. Still smiling when I think of you three.